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Published on 23/05/18

On Wednesday 6th June, Dame Bradbury's pupils will be engaging in a series of activities they have designed to support Maddi Thurgood. 

Maddi is a local teenager who in 2016 was diagnosed and started battling SPG15, a degenerative neuro disease, for which to date there is no cure or treatment. The Maddi Foundation aims to continue to support medical research to help cure this disease and other similar rare diseases. Conditions this rare receive very little attention and funding.

 As a school community we realise the importance of supporting a local individual who requires a global collaborative effort. The children have generated activities taking into account Maddi's interests, and school council have worked to filter these creative ideas! We are all looking forward to a day of fun, science and collaboration in support of Maddi and furthering the exploration of genetic disorders. More details to follow and plenty of pictures after the event!

Find out more at